Floor plans


Online booking opportunity in the apartment close-up view

Apartment Rooms Floor Interior floor area Balcony/terrace Gross area Price
1 3 1 66.1 17.6 83.7 219 900 €
2 4 1 87 17.7 104.7 289 900 €
3 3 1 75.7 17.7 93.4 269 900 €
4 3 1 51 14.3 65.3 184 900 €
5 1 1 44 19 63 164 900 €
6 2 2 49 19.8 68.8 179 900 €
7 2 2 49 25.6 74.6 189 900 €
8 3 2 68.5 26.4 94.9 Sold
9 3 2 69 17.9 86.9 Sold
10 2 3 42 12.1 54.1 159 900 €
11 3 3 55 12.2 67.2 189 900 €
12 4 3 68 13.3+6.3 87.6 239 900 €
13 3 3 69 12.1 81.1 239 900 €
14 2 4 42 12.1 54.1 164 900 €
15 3 4 55.5 13.9 69.4 194 900 €
16 4 4 67.5 13.9 81.4 244 900 €
17 3 4 69 12.1 81.1 244 900 €
18 5 5 98.5 18.5+8.6 125.6 339 900 €
19 3 5 68 14 82 249 900 €
20 4 5 83 18.4 101.4 Sold

Price for a parking space is €4,900. Price for premium parking space is €6,900. Price for storage room is €4,900.
The developer reserves the right to make reasoned changes in the presented plans and change the prices.

Interior floor area
Gross area

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